Monday, August 17, 2009

Implementing WCF Service Part 6 – Using Fault @ Client

Ok, so you have developed a nice WCF Service with proper implementation of custom fault exception handling, now you want to call this service in a web application or other client application and catch the fault exception in your client code. For simplicity I am using a web page, the following code is self explanatory.

  1: Protected Sub btnGetCustomers_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnGetCustomers.Click  
  3:         Using wcfSrv As CustomerWcfService.CustomerServiceClient = New CustomerWcfService.CustomerServiceClient("WSHttpBinding_ICustomerService")  
  4:             Try  
  5:                 Dim custArr() As CustomerWcfService.Customer  
  6:                 custArr = wcfSrv.GetCustomers()  
  7:                 For Each cust As CustomerWcfService.Customer In custArr  
  8:                     Response.Write("ID: " & cust.ID.ToString & " Name: " & cust.Name & "<br/>")  
  9:                 Next  
 10:                 lblStatus.Text = "No of Customer Records found: " & custArr.Length.ToString  
 12:                 'Custom Fault Exception Response from Service  
 13:             Catch ex As ServiceModel.FaultException(Of CustomerWcfService.ErrorResponse)  
 14:                 lblStatus.Text = "Code:" & ex.Detail.Code.ToString() & " Messgage:" & ex.Detail.Message & " Details:" & ex.Detail.Details  
 15:                 wcfSrv.Abort()  
 17:                 'General Fault Exception  
 18:             Catch ex As ServiceModel.FaultException  
 19:                 lblStatus.Text = ex.ToString()  
 20:                 wcfSrv.Abort()   
 22:                 'General Exception  
 23:             Catch exp As System.Exception  
 24:                 lblStatus.Text = "Error:" & exp.ToString()  
 25:                 wcfSrv.Abort()  
 27:             Finally  
 28:                 wcfSrv.Close()  
 29:             End Try  
 31:         End Using  
 33:     End Sub  

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