Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Custom Service or RESTful Service?

REST, or Representational State Transfer, is a type of Web service that is rapidly gaining in popularity. So you might ask yourself what the difference is between RESTful services and custom Web services, and why you might choose one type over the other. The key difference between the two types is that REST services are resource-centric while custom services are operation-centric. With REST, you divide your data into resources, give each resource a URL, and implement standard operations on those resources that allow creation, retrieval, update, and deletion (CRUD). With custom services, you can implement any arbitrary method, which means that the focus is on the operations rather than the resources, and those operations can be tailored to the specific needs of your application.

Some services fit very naturally into the REST model—usually when the resources are obvious and much of the service involves management of those resources. Exchange Server, for instance, has a REST API for organizing e-mail and calendar items. Similarly, there are photo-sharing Web sites on the Internet that expose REST APIs. In other cases, the services less clearly match REST operations, but can still be made to fit. Sending e-mail, for example, can be accomplished by adding a resource to an outbox folder. This is not the way you would most naturally think about sending e-mail, but it is not too much of a stretch.

In other cases, though, REST operations just do not fit well. Creating a resource in order to initiate a workflow that drives monthly payroll check printing, for example, would be much less natural than having a specific method for that purpose.

If you can fit your service into the constraints of REST, doing so will buy you a lot of advantages. ADO.NET Data Services in combination with the Entity Framework makes it easy to create both RESTful services and clients to work with them. The framework can provide more functionality to RESTful services automatically because the services are constrained to follow a specific pattern. In addition, RESTful services have a very broad reach because they are so simple and interoperable. They work especially well when you do not know in advance who the clients might be. Finally, REST can be made to scale to handle very large volumes of operations.

For many applications, the constraints of REST are just too much. Sometimes the domain does not divide clearly into a single pattern of resources or the operations involve multiple resources at once. Sometimes the user actions and business logic around them do not map well to RESTful operations, or more precise control is required than can fit into those operations. In these cases, custom services are the way to go.

You can always build an application that has a mix of REST and custom services. Often the ideal solution for an application is a mixture of both.

Source: MSDN Magazine Jun 2009

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