Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Create XML Data file with Element vs. Attribute Format

You can choose to create a XML file in which detail records are represented as Elements or Attributes only. It is wiser to use the best use of both, more use of attribute reduces the size of xml file and increases the speed over wire. Representation of data in Elements only XML file becomes heavier in file size thus slower the transmission. The only benefit is when you open this file in browser it is relatively easily to read. Following are an example for creating a file with same information in two different ways.

XML Element Format

This format takes more file size, but increases the readability of the file in browser. This example can be used for gathering all the exceptions generated during application uses.

 Private Sub LogErrorAsXMLFileElement(ByVal excep As Exception, ByVal serverName As String, _

         Optional ByVal remoteHostAddress As String = "", Optional ByVal referer As String = "")


        Dim xmlDataDoc As New XmlDataDocument

        Dim xmlDeclare As XmlDeclaration = Nothing

        Dim rootNode As XmlNode = Nothing

        Dim childElement As XmlElement = Nothing

        Dim parentElement As XmlElement = Nothing



            Dim rootTag As String = "Errors." & serverName.ToLower

            Dim filePathName As String = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings("ErrorLogFolder") & "\" & _

                         serverName & ".ErrorLog." & Format(Now(), "yyyyMM").ToString & "E.xml"



            If File.Exists(filePathName) Then


                rootNode = xmlDataDoc.GetElementById(rootTag)


                xmlDeclare = xmlDataDoc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", Nothing, Nothing)

                rootNode = xmlDataDoc.CreateElement(rootTag)


                xmlDataDoc.InsertBefore(xmlDeclare, rootNode)

            End If


            childElement = xmlDataDoc.CreateElement("Error", "")



            parentElement = childElement

            childElement = xmlDataDoc.CreateElement("ID", "")

            childElement.InnerText = XmlConvert.ToString(Guid.NewGuid)



            childElement = xmlDataDoc.CreateElement("DateCreated", "")

            childElement.InnerText = XmlConvert.ToString(Now, XmlDateTimeSerializationMode.Local)



            childElement = xmlDataDoc.CreateElement("RemoteHostAddress", "")

            childElement.InnerText = remoteHostAddress



            childElement = xmlDataDoc.CreateElement("Referer", "")

            childElement.InnerText = referer



            childElement = xmlDataDoc.CreateElement("Message", "")

            childElement.InnerText = excep.Message



            childElement = xmlDataDoc.CreateElement("Exception", "")

            childElement.InnerText = excep.ToString





        Catch exc As Exception

            Throw New Exception(exc.Message)


            xmlDataDoc = Nothing

        End Try


    End Sub


XML Attribute Format

This format takes less file size, but decreases the readability of the file in browser. This example can be used for gathering all the exceptions generated during application uses.

Private Sub LogErrorAsXMLFileAttribute(ByVal excep As Exception, ByVal serverName As String, _

Optional ByVal remoteHostAddress As String = "", Optional ByVal referer As String = "")


        Dim xmlDataDoc As New XmlDataDocument

        Dim xmlDeclare As XmlDeclaration = Nothing

        Dim rootNode As XmlNode = Nothing

        Dim childElement As XmlElement = Nothing




            Dim rootTag As String = "Errors." & serverName.ToLower

            Dim filePathName As String = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings("ErrorLogFolder") & "\" & _

                            serverName & ".ErrorLog." & Format(Now(), "yyyyMM").ToString & "A.xml"


            If File.Exists(filePathName) Then


                rootNode = xmlDataDoc.SelectSingleNode(rootTag)


                xmlDeclare = xmlDataDoc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", Nothing, Nothing)

                rootNode = xmlDataDoc.CreateElement(rootTag)


                xmlDataDoc.InsertBefore(xmlDeclare, rootNode)

            End If


            childElement = xmlDataDoc.CreateElement("Error")

            With childElement

                .SetAttribute("ID", XmlConvert.ToString(Guid.NewGuid))

                .SetAttribute("DateCreated", XmlConvert.ToString(Now, XmlDateTimeSerializationMode.Local))

                .SetAttribute("RemoteHostAddress", remoteHostAddress)

                .SetAttribute("Referer", referer)

                .SetAttribute("Message", excep.Message)

                .SetAttribute("Exception", excep.ToString())

            End With





        Catch exc As Exception

            Throw New Exception(exc.Message)


            xmlDataDoc = Nothing

        End Try

    End Sub

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