Sunday, December 17, 2006

Export GridView Data in MS-Excel

In the following example, I will demonstrate how to export GridView Data into MS-Excel using VB.NET. It uses the same business object to select data from database. I have simply formatted the GridView control from previous example.

Page Name: ExportGridViewToExcel.Aspx


Note: You will be required to add - EnableEventValidation = "False" at Page Directive in order to Export to work.


Code Snippet
  1. <%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" EnableEventValidation = "False" CodeFile="ExportGridViewToExcel.aspx.vb"
  2.         Inherits="ExportGridViewToExcel" %>
  4. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
  6. <html xmlns="" >
  7. <head runat="server">
  8.     <title>Export Customers Data</title>
  9. </head>
  10. <body>
  11.     <form id="frmCustomer" runat="server">
  12.     <div  style="text-align:center">   
  13.         <asp:Button ID="btnExportToExcel" runat="server" Text="Export to Excel" /><br />  
  14.         <asp:Label ID="lblMessage" runat="server" Text=""></asp:Label> <br />
  15.         <asp:GridView ID="gdvCustomer" DataKeyNames="CustID" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" DataSourceID="odsCustomer"  
  16.             AutoGenerateColumns="False" BackColor="White" BorderColor="#DEDFDE" BorderStyle="None"
  17.             BorderWidth="1px" CellPadding="4" ForeColor="Black" GridLines="Vertical"
  18.             RowStyle-HorizontalAlign="Left" HeaderStyle-HorizontalAlign="Left">
  19.             <Columns>                
  20.                 <asp:BoundField DataField="CustID" HeaderText="Cust ID"  />                                    
  21.                 <asp:BoundField DataField="CustName" HeaderText="Name" SortExpression="CustName" />                    
  22.                 <asp:BoundField DataField="CustAddress" HeaderText="Address" SortExpression="CustAddress"/>                
  23.             </Columns>
  24.             <EmptyDataTemplate>                
  25.                 No Customer Record Found.                
  26.             </EmptyDataTemplate>            
  27.             <FooterStyle BackColor="#CCCC99" />
  28.             <RowStyle BackColor="#F7F7DE" />
  29.             <SelectedRowStyle BackColor="#CE5D5A" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="White" />
  30.             <PagerStyle BackColor="#F7F7DE" ForeColor="Black" HorizontalAlign="Right" />
  31.             <HeaderStyle BackColor="#6B696B" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="White" />
  32.             <AlternatingRowStyle BackColor="White" />
  33.         </asp:GridView>
  35.           <asp:ObjectDataSource ID="odsCustomer" runat="server"
  36.               SelectMethod="GetCustomers"
  37.             TypeName="Vishwa.Example.Business.CustomerFac" >
  38.          </asp:ObjectDataSource>
  39.         </div>
  40.     </form>
  41. </body>
  42. </html>

Code Behind : ExportGridViewToExcel.Aspx.vb

Code Snippet
  1. Option Explicit On
  2. Option Strict On
  3. Imports System.IO
  4. ' Author : Vishwa Mohan
  5. ' Date : 12/15/2006
  6. ' Class : ExportCustomer
  7. ' Purpose: To Export Customers Record into Excel
  8. Partial Class ExportGridViewToExcel
  9.     Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
  10.     Protected Sub btnExportToExcel_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExportToExcel.Click
  11.         If gdvCustomer.Rows.Count + 1 < 65536 Then
  12.             Me.lblMessage.Text = ""
  13.             Me.gdvCustomer.AllowPaging = False
  14.             'If you are binding GridView under Code Behind
  15.             'Me.gdvCustomer.DataSource = GetCustomer
  17.             Me.gdvCustomer.DataBind()
  18.             Dim tw As New StringWriter()
  19.             Dim hw As New System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter(tw)
  20.             Dim frm As HtmlForm = New HtmlForm()
  21.             Page.Response.ContentType = "application/"
  22.             Page.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;Customer.xls")
  23.             Page.Response.Charset = ""
  24.             Page.EnableViewState = False
  25.             frm.Attributes("runat") = "server"
  26.             Controls.Add(frm)
  28.             frm.Controls.Add(gdvCustomer)
  29.             frm.RenderControl(hw)
  30.             Response.Write(tw.ToString())
  31.             Response.End()
  32.             Me.gdvCustomer.AllowPaging = True
  34.             'If you are binding GridView under Code Behind
  35.             'Me.gdvCustomer.DataBind()
  36.         Else
  37.             Me.lblMessage.Text = "Too many rows - Export to Excel not possible"
  38.         End If
  39.     End Sub
  40. End Class


Page at the run Time

1 comment:

N Hurst said...

This code is awesome! Thank you so much for posting it!