Friday, September 22, 2006

.NET 2.0 Email

As you know .NET 1.x used System.Web.Mail namespace which was a wrapper around old CDONTS and CDOSYS dlls. Microsoft.Net 2.0 introduces System.Net.Mail Namespace which is written from the ground up without any interop. So, it is not dependent on COM libraries. In most cases you face with situations for sending a simple email with plain text, with attachment or authenticated email. I wrote this example in three simple subroutines. Depends on your need or you can use either one or mix and match. There is more variety or flavors can be added like Cc, bcc, html format with or without images etc. I targeted the common uses.

This namespace is much more versatile than old CDO dependent System.Web.Mail. You can do a lot more in this new namespace. More features were presented in Microsoft Seminar. For detail information you can visit

I have created an Email Component using .NET 2.0, which can be used in your Web based or Windows based application to send email. If you are just sending regular message without any attachment or authentication, then you do not need this component. You can directly use System.Net.Mail namespace and add 2 lines of code.But if you are going to use attachments and perform user authentication dynamically then you can utilize this component.

Example for Basic and Advance use is given below. I created this component before I attended the Microsoft Seminar, so I have not yet implement additional cool features for email Content such as LinkedResource, ContentLink and AlternateView etc. Not sure if everyone needs it.

Basic Email - Just 2 lines of Code (VB.NET)
You can create four text boxes on a web page for From, To, Subject and Body and then replace the hard coded values with corresponding text box text. The following code assumes that you are using the local SMTP service of the machine on which this code is running.

Private Sub SendEmail()
    Dim objEMail As New System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient
    objEMail.Host = "localhost" ' If you have not defined the host in web.config
    objEMail.Send("", "", "Subject: - Testing .NET 2.0 Email", "Body: - You Got mail from .NET 2.0 NameSpace")
End Sub

Plain Text 

Public Function SendEmail(ByVal addressFrom As String, ByVal addressTo As String, _
                                     ByVal subject As String, ByVal bodyText As String) As Boolean
      Dim emailMsg As New System.Net.Mail.MailMessage(addressFrom, addressTo, subject, bodyText)
      Dim smtpClient As New System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient()
      Return True
      Return False
  End Try
End Function


Public Function SendEmailWithAttachment(ByVal addressFrom As String, ByVal addressTo As String, _
                                     ByVal subject As String, ByVal bodyText As String, _
                                     ByVal fileNameWithFullPath As String) As Boolean
     Dim emailMsg As New System.Net.Mail.MailMessage(addressFrom, addressTo, subject, bodyText)
     Dim smtpClient As New System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient()
     'Attach file if it exists
     If File.Exists(fileNameWithFullPath) Then
         If Not emailMsg.Attachments Is Nothing Then
             Dim fileAttachment As New Net.Mail.Attachment(fileNameWithFullPath)
         End If
     End If
     Return True
     Return False
 End Try
End Function



The following function sends an authenticated Email that means it uses email server, port number, user id and password as additional parameters.   You may wish to turnoff the authentication anytime and use the same code.  If you have customers who have use your application to send emails to their respective clients, you will pass their stored email server information dynamically through this function.


Public Function SendAuthenticatedEmail(ByVal addressFrom As String, ByVal addressTo As String, _
                                         ByVal subject As String, ByVal bodyText As String, _
                                         ByVal isAutorizationRequired As Boolean, _
                                         ByVal emailServer As String, ByVal emailServerPort As Integer, _
                                         ByVal emailUser As String, ByVal emailUserPassword As String) As Boolean
         Dim emailMsg As New System.Net.Mail.MailMessage(addressFrom, addressTo, subject, bodyText)
         Dim smtpClient As New Net.Mail.SmtpClient
         If emailServer IsNot Nothing Then
             smtpClient = New Net.Mail.SmtpClient(emailServer, emailServerPort)
             If isAutorizationRequired Then
                 If emailUser IsNot Nothing And emailUserPassword IsNot Nothing Then
                     smtpClient.UseDefaultCredentials = False
                     smtpClient.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential(emailUser, emailUserPassword)
                 End If
                 smtpClient.Credentials = Net.CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials()
             End If
         ElseIf smtpClient.Host Is Nothing Then
             smtpClient = New Net.Mail.SmtpClient(Environment.MachineName)
             smtpClient.Credentials = Net.CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials()
         End If
         Return True
         Return False
     End Try
 End Function




You can define smtp mail settings under of the web.config file. If you do so, then you do not need to provide the same (as shown above) in your code.




       <smtp deliveryMethod="network" from="" >
           <network host="" port="25" userName="username" password="password" defaultCredentials="true/false"/>

If you are using default settings of smtp then you do not need to provide port, userName, password and defaultCredentials value. In case of secure authentication, you will need to provide userName, password and set the defaultCredentials value to false.


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