You may come across situation when you receive data in JSON and would like to convert into XML. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a text-based open standard designed for human-readable data interchange.
The JSON format is often used for serializing and transmitting structured data over a network connection. It is used primarily to transmit data between a server and web application, serving as an alternative to XML.
Following example is a function which converts a JSON data string into XML Document.
Private Shared Function JsonToXml(ByVal json As String) As XmlDocument
Dim newNode As XmlNode = Nothing
Dim appendToNode As XmlNode = Nothing
Dim returnXmlDoc As XmlDocument = New XmlDocument
returnXmlDoc.LoadXml("<Document />")
Dim rootNode As XmlNode = returnXmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("Document")
appendToNode = rootNode
json = json.Replace(",", "," & vbLf)
json = json.Replace("{", "{" & vbLf)
json = json.Replace("}", vbLf & "}" & vbLf)
json = json.Replace("[", "[" & vbLf)
json = json.Replace("]", vbLf & "]" & vbLf)
Dim arrElements() As String = json.Split(CChar(vbLf))
For Each element As String In arrElements
Dim processElement As String = element.Replace(vbLf, "").Replace(vbCr, "").Replace(vbTab, "").Trim()
If processElement.Trim <> "" Then
If (processElement.IndexOf("}") > -1 Or processElement.IndexOf("]") > -1) And Not (appendToNode Is rootNode) Then
appendToNode = appendToNode.ParentNode
ElseIf (processElement.IndexOf("[") > -1) Then
processElement = processElement.Replace(":", "").Replace("[", "").Replace("""", "").Trim()
If processElement.Trim = "" Then
processElement = "Square"
End If
newNode = returnXmlDoc.CreateElement(processElement)
appendToNode = newNode
ElseIf (processElement.IndexOf("{") > -1) Then
processElement = processElement.Replace(":", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("""", "").Trim()
If processElement.Trim = "" Then
processElement = "Element"
End If
newNode = returnXmlDoc.CreateElement(processElement)
appendToNode = newNode
Dim FoundAt As Integer = processElement.IndexOf(":")
If (FoundAt > -1) Then
Dim NodeName As String = processElement.Substring(0, FoundAt - 1).Replace("""", "")
Dim NodeValue As String = processElement.Substring(FoundAt + 1, processElement.Length - FoundAt - 1).Trim
If NodeValue.StartsWith("""") Then
NodeValue = NodeValue.Substring(1, NodeValue.Length - 1).Trim
End If
If NodeValue.EndsWith(",") Then
NodeValue = NodeValue.Substring(0, NodeValue.Length - 1).Trim
End If
If NodeValue.EndsWith("""") Then
NodeValue = NodeValue.Substring(0, NodeValue.Length - 1).Trim
End If
newNode = returnXmlDoc.CreateElement(NodeName)
newNode.InnerText = NodeValue
End If
End If
End If
Return returnXmlDoc
End Function