Tuesday, November 23, 2010

LINQ Group By Examples

These are 2 samples of  Group By Examples, one is very simple one but not simplest, second one is little bit intermediate. 

First creating a class to use in the given example

   1: Public Class TestRecord
   2:     Property ID As String
   3:     Property Value As String
   4:     Property RecordDate As Date
   6:     Sub New()
   8:     End Sub
  10:     Sub New(ByVal id As String, ByVal value As String, ByVal recDate As Date)
  11:         Me.ID = id
  12:         Me.Value = value
  13:         Me.RecordDate = recDate
  14:     End Sub
  15: End Class


Now, let say use a button and Gridview to present the data on a page.

   1: Protected Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
   2:         Dim showSimpleGroup As Boolean = False
   4:         Dim lstItems As New List(Of TestRecord)
   5:         lstItems.Add(New TestRecord("1", "100", Now))
   6:         lstItems.Add(New TestRecord("2", "100", Date.MinValue))
   7:         lstItems.Add(New TestRecord("3", "100", #2/2/1980#))
   8:         lstItems.Add(New TestRecord("4", "200", Date.MinValue))
   9:         lstItems.Add(New TestRecord("5", "200", #1/1/2010#))
  10:         lstItems.Add(New TestRecord("6", "300", Now))
  12:         If showSimpleGroup Then
  13:             Dim recList = From r In lstItems Group By r.Value Into g = Group Select New With {g, .ID = g.Max(Function(p) p.ID), .Value = g.Max(Function(p) p.Value)}
  14:             Me.gvwTest.DataSource = recList
  15:             Me.gvwTest.DataBind()
  16:         Else
  17:             Dim tempList = From d As TestRecord In lstItems Group By d.Value Into g = Group
  18:                             Select New With {g, .ID = g.Max(Function(d) d.ID), .RecordDate = g.Max(Function(d) IIf(d.RecordDate = Date.MinValue, Now, d.RecordDate))}
  20:             If tempList IsNot Nothing AndAlso tempList.Count > 0 Then
  21:                 Dim recList = From r As TestRecord In lstItems Join t In tempList On t.ID Equals r.ID Select r
  22:                 Me.gvwTest.DataSource = recList
  23:                 Me.gvwTest.DataBind()
  24:             End If
  25:         End If
  26:     End Sub


The first grouping will display the distinct value excluding Record Date , second one will use the record’s max date to display the record the distinct value.

Friday, November 05, 2010

WCF Service Hosted in Web Farm or Multi-Homed Scenario

If a WCF Service is deployed in a load balanced environment and hosted on multiple Web Servers under IIS, which is accessed on a public domain, WCF WSDL document refers to a the responding machine name which is generally inaccessible on a public domain. So what you should be doing to make it right?

As per Microsoft, this design was initially designed in WCF but later when Microsoft went into Azure or Cloud Computing, this situation became an issue and realized the need to fix this problem. So in order to fix this problem, you need to perform two simple steps

1. Download the following Fix from Microsoft and Install on respective machines


2. Add the following sections in behavior section of configuration

   1: <serviceBehaviors>
   2:    <behavior name="<name>">
   3:      <useRequestHeadersForMetadataAddress>
   4:        <defaultPorts>
   5:           <add scheme="http" port="80" />
   6:           <add scheme="https" port="443" />
   7:         </defaultPorts>
   8:       </useRequestHeadersForMetadataAddress>
   9:    </behavior>
  10: </serviceBehaviors>

For more information, you can checkout the following articles

a. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/980588

b. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/971842